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JPIC/JAS Standards For Lumber, OSB, Forest

JPIC/JAS Standards For Lumber, OSB, Forest

JPIC/JAS Standards For Lumber, OSB, Forest
Japanese Agricultural Standards

JAS Notification No. 701
Laminated Veneer Lumber (Structural / Non-Structural)

JAS Notification 702 (2008)
JAS Supplementary Regulations – ME-4
Labelling Format and Method for Graded Laminated Veneer Lumber

JPIC/JAS Standards For Lumber, OSB, Forest

JAS Notification No. 111
Glue Laminated Timber

JAS Notification No. 112
Decorative Glue Laminated Timber

JAS Notification No. 143
Softwood Structural Sawn Lumber

JAS Notification No. 360 and 1604
Structural Panel

JAS Notification No. 600
Structural Lumber for Wood Frame Construction

JAS Notification No. 702
Machine Stress Rated Structural Lumber for Wood Frame Construction

JAS Notification No. 1443
Structural Laminated Veneer Lumber

JAS (MAFF) Notification No. 938 (2008)
JAS (OSB) Test Methods
Normal State Delamination test (internal bond)
Boiling Water Soak Delamination Test
Moisture Content Test
Normal State Bending Test
Bending Tests Under Wet Conditions
Water Absorption Expansion Test
Nail Joint Shear Test
Nail Withdrawal Resistance Test
Formaldehyde Emission Test

JAS (MAFF) Notification 1152 (2007)
JAS (Glulam) Test Methods:
Cold water soak delamination test
Boiling water soak delamination test
Vacuum-pressure delamination test
Block shear test
Moisture content test
Bending test A (Beam MOE and MOR)
Bending test B (Lumber MOE)
Bending test C (Lamina MOR)
Tensile strength test (Lamina)
Formaldehyde Emission Test
Withdrown Standards For Forest Lumber:
JIS A 9112:1989 Treated lumbers by diffusion process
JIS F 2101:1990 Turnbuckles for lumber lashing
JIS F 2102:1990 Chains for lumber lashing
JAS: Japanese Agricultural Standard
JIS: Japanese Industrial Standards
MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Japan)

JPIC/JAS Standards For Lumber, OSB, Forest

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